My Interests
The Inner Circle
Philosophy, Politics and Economics
- My Alma Mater
- Austrian Economics
- Body Weight Fitness Training
- Economics for the Citizen [Walter E. Williams]
- Great Commission Latin America
- Legal Philosophy
- Journal of Libertarian Studies
- Mariachi Music
- My Hometown Paper
- New Geneva Theological Seminary
- Public Theology
- Quarterly Journal of Austrian Economics
- Radio Nacional de España
- Shadow Gov't Stats
- Social Philosophy
- Tejano Music
Best of the Blog (IMHO)
- "Amoral Man"
- "Anti-Capitalist Extremism"
- "Bank Run No Argument For a Mixed Economy"
- "Black Theology and Black Impotence"
- "Blog Star"
- "Change We Can't Believe In"
- "The Collapse of Evangelicalism?"
- "Good Friday" (Poem)
- ”Ground Hog Day” (Poem)
- "Illegitimage Tea Parties"
- "Invader Christian"
- "Law, Covenant, and (Christian) Politics"
- "Liberation by Internet"
- "Liberty and the 'Superpower'"
- "This Market is the Result of a Stimulus Organ"
- "No More Great Presidents"
- "Reconstruction II"
- "Road to Poverty"
- "Science, Stem Cells and Pro-Life Scruples"
- "Why 'Deviant Scholar'"?
The Inner Circle
Previous Posts
- No (Russian) blood for oil?
- The Brooklyn Six?
- Philologous Sermonator?
- The (marxist) social engineering goals of the inhe...
- More fodder from Molly Ivins
- I just have to comment some more
- Obscene oil profits: a post script
- Why Mexico has no thriving economy
- "Only" fiction. Right.
- Obscene profits?
- A priori assumptione[Aurelio Augustino]
- Basket of Figs [Prof. C. W. Powell]
- Dead Men's Voices [Andy McIntyre]
- Green Baggins [Lane Keister]
- Mary*Anne
- Red Sky Brothers
- Josue Sierra
- Tanker Brothers
- Two-Edged Sword [Lee Johnson]
- Westminster Brass [Johnson, Keister, Solís]
- Wheat and Chaff [Matthew Powell]
Philosophy, Politics and Economics
- Bill Bennett
- The American Enterprise Institute
- The Hudson Institute
- The Claremont Institute
- Center for American Progress
- Americans for Fair Taxation
- Ludwig von Mises Institute
- Reformed Catholicism
- Global Security
- The Acton Institute
- Center for Strategic and International Studies
- Council on Foreign Relations
- International Crisis Group
- Royal Istitute for International Affairs
- The Brookings Institute
- The Center for Public Justice
- Virtual Library of Christian Philosophy
- Club For Growth
Top Alliance Links
10 November 2008
About Me
- Name: James Frank Solís
- Location: Nolodicere, Aliquo Altus
Former soldier (USA). Graduate-level educated. Married 26 years. Texas ex-patriate. Ruling elder in the Presbyterian Church in America.
- Ace of Spades HQ
- Alarming News
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Milblogs (and Wingmen)
- Bandit.Three.Six
- Belmont Club
- Blackfive
- Consul-at-Arms
- GunnNutt
- Kat in Ga
- Meli’s Junk Thoughts [Tanker Brothers’ Aunt]
- Most Certainly Not
- Mudville Gazette
- Old War Dogs ***
- PCMom
- Soldiers’ Angels
- Tanker Angel Nelly
- Tanker Brothers
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